Working Together for Human Rights
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GLP News
FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2006: Terri Schiavo - One Year Later

Medical experts, lawyers, and health law scholars gather for a full-day conference examining the state of the law governing decision making one year after the case of Terri Schiavo.  Features include Keynote Address by the Honorable Barney Frank: Reflections on the Role of Congress. 

To find out more information, please click here

Intensive Course in Health and Human Rights
June 26 - 30, 2006
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, Massachusetts

Learn How to Incorporate a Human Rights Framework into Your Professional Activities

For more information, brochures and scholarship applications, click here

Past News and Events:

The Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights at Boston Medical Center, and the Boston University Student Caucus for Health & Human Rights presented:

A Night of Remembrance and Rejoicing

Thursday, June 23rd at 7 pm 

This event showcased and celebrated the Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights with clients and friends and benefactors. This was our time to honor the resilience of survivors of torture and to rededicate ourselves to the prevention of torture worldwide.  Also honored was Congressman Capuano and Kate Auspitz for their support.

First Biannual Seminar in Health and Bioethics, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2-3, 2005.  This conference was a joint initiative between The Luso-American Development Foundation (Lisbon), The National School of Public Health (Lisbon), Boston University School of Public Health - Department of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights, and the University of Pennsylvania Centre for Bioethics.  The main goals of the conference were: (1) to build more solid specific bridges between American and Portuguese institutions in the filed of Health Law and Bioethics, promoting the interchanging of knowledge in these areas and facilitating the acquaintance  of American and Portuguese academics and researchers in view of further initiatives of mutual visiting programs and (2) to benefit from the privileged relation with the Health Law, Bioethics & Human Rights Department of the B.U. School  of Public Health and the Centre for Bioethics at the Univ. of Pennsylvania.  View Brochure
The Twenty-Eighth Annual Erich Lindemann Memorial Lecture - Friday, May 20, 2005
The Erich Lindemann Memorial Lecture Committee and The Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology in cooperation with The North Suffolk Mental Health Association Board of Director present:
Coming to the Rescue or None of My Business: The Effect of Responding vs. Ignoring on Community Health
Who is our brother's keeper? What is the balance between caring for one another and protecting ones own against strangers? What is the impact of taking action vs. passivity, not only on those involved but also on the character of the community which they make up? This is the interface in which individual psychology and values accumulate into social psychiatry and psychology. This Lindemann Lecture explores this interface from psychological, historical, and public safety points of vie implications for community mental health and, inevitably, social values. 

Holocaust Remembrance Day Lecture, Thursday, May 5, 2005 "Medical Ethics in the Shadow of the Holocaust: The Nazi Doctors, Racial Hygiene, Murder and Genocide" Lecture given by Michael Grodin, M.D., Professor of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights at Boston University School of Public Health and Professor of Socio-Medical Sciences, Community Medicine and Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine. Time: Noon - 1:00PM, Place: Room L303

GENETIC DISABILITY: DNA PROFILING OF EMBRYOS AND FETUSES ONE DAY CONFERENCE, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2005 sponsored by the Boston University School of Public Health and School of Law, and the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics.  The conference will take place at Barristers Hall, Boston University School of Law, 765 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

The purpose of this conference is to examine the possible goals of embryo and fetus screening and testing, the meaning of the term "disability" as used by those seeking and providing the screening and testing, the effect of screening and testing on society, and the legal and public policy options available to influence or channel embryo and fetus screening for "disability".

For conference and registration information, click here

The Asylum Preparation Project - October 2004

The Boston Center for Re+fugee Health and Human Rights uses this set of documents to prepare both the asylum applicant and the expert witness for an initial asylum officer interview and the EOIR merits hearing.   The slides include pictures of the EOIR corridor, the courtroom and instructions identifying where the judge sits, where the applicant will sit, how to conduct oneself in the hearing, etc.

Please select from one of the following:                           

Asylum Hearing  / Checklist    
Merits Hearing  / Checklist  
Expert Witness  / Checklist



GLP launches its campaign to advocate for the release of the seven children remaining imprisoned in Guantanamo.


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