Staff Publications

  1. Piwowarcyk L, Morenao A, Grodin M: Treating survivors of torture and refugee trauma. Journal of the American Medical Association 284(5): 539-541, 2000.
  2. Moreno A, Piwowarcyk L, Grodin M: Human Rights Violations and Refugee Health. Journal of the American Medical Association. 285(9): 1215, 2001.
  3. LeGraw J, Grodin M: Health Professionals and Lethal Injection Execution in the United States. Human Rights Quarterly. 2002.
  4. Grodin M: Book Review: The Children and the Nations: Growing up Together in the Post-War World and the State of the World's Children, 1987, UNICEF. Journal of the American Medical Association 259(19): 2932-2933, 1988.
  5. Grodin M: Book Review, The State of the World's Children, 1988. UNICEF. Journal of the American Medical Association 259(19):2932-2937, 1988.
  6. Grodin M: Book Review, Medical Betrayed: The Participation of Doctors in Human Rights Abuses. Report of a Working Party of the British Medical Association. Social Science and Medicine 37(2): 277-279, 1993.
  7. Grodin M: The Japanese Analogue. Book Review, Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare 1932-1945 and the American Cover-Up. Sheldon S. Hastings Center Report 26(5): 37-38, 1996. Reprinted in HCR Sept-Oct 1996.
  8. Laurie G, Grodin M: Book Review, Against Relativism: Cultural Diversity and the Search for Ethical Universals in Medicine. Macklin R. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 43(4): 627-629, 2000.
  9. Nathanson J, Grodin M: Book Review, Nursing in Nazi Germany. Lancet 356: 1859,2000.
  10. Moreno A, Schadt R.W, Grodin M: Teaching Human Rights with an Internet- Based Course. Society of General Internal Medicine, Boston, MA 2000. Journal of General Internal Medicine 15 (Suppl. 1): 219, 2000.
  11. Moreno A, Akram S, Geltman P, Grodin M, Keane T, Piwowarczyk L: The Boston Center for Health and Human Rights. Society for General Internal Medicine, Boston, MA 2000. Journal of General Internal Medicine 15(Suppl.1): 229, 2000.
  12. Moreno A, Grodin M: Caring for Refugees and Survivors of Torture. Society for General Internal Medicine, Boston, MA 2000. Journal of General Internal Medicine 15 (Suppl. 1): 137, 2000.
  13. Moreno A, Grodin M: Ethics and Law: When Refugees are Perpetrators and Victims. Society for General Internal Medicine 15 (Suppl 1):191,2000.
  14. Moreno M, Grodin M: Ethics and Law: Informed Consent During the Medical Care of Asylum Applicants. Society of General Internal Medicine, Boston, MA 2000. Journal of General Internal Medicine 15 (Suppl 1):192,2000.
  15. Moreno M, Grodin M: Caring for Refugees and Survivors of Torture. American Public Health Association. Boston, MA 2000. Abstract#1001 p32.
  16. Piwowarcyzk L, Grodin M et al: The Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights: Serving Vulnerable Populations. American Public Health Association. Boston, MA 2000. Abstract #5099 p493.
  17. Moreno M, Grodin M et al: American Public Health Association. Boston, MA 2000. Abstract# 5126 p 512.
  18. Moreno M, Grodin M: Ethical Concerns when Conducting Research in Refugees and Survivors of Torture. American Public Health Association. Boston, MA 2000. Abstract# 5246 pg 502.
  19. Moreno M, Grodin M: Teaching Human Rights With an Internet-Based Course. American Public Health Association. Boston, MA 2000. Abstract# 5318 pg 653.
  20. Grodin M, Annas G. Ethical Imperialism. New England Journal of Medicine 332(3): 200-201, 1990.
  21. Congressional Testimony before Subcommittee on Health on "Project Grants for Family Planning Services. Title X," Washington DC, March 1991.
  22. Grodin M: The World Medical Association Should be Disbanded, Physicians Weekly September, 1993.
  23. Brief of Medical Ethics Scholars as Amicus Curiae in Support of Appellants, Court of Appeal for the First District State of California. "Physician Participation in Executions is Unethical". 1997.
  24. Annas G, Grodin M: An Ethical Code for Everybody in Health Care: A Universal Declaration of Patient's Rights is a Complementary Approach, British Medical Journal 316(7142):1459, 1998.
  25. Brief of Physicians for Human Rights, Global Lawyers and Physicians et al as Amicus Curiae in Support of Reversal, Supreme Court of the United States. "The Electric Chair as Cruel and Unusual Punishment".1999.
  26. Nathanson J, Grodin M: Eugenic Sterilization and the Nazi Analogy, Annals of Internal Medicine 2000.
  27. Annas G and Grodin M, Editors: Nazi Doctors and The Nuremberg Code: Human Rights in Human Experimentation. Oxford University Press, NY.1992.
  28. Mann J, Gruskin S, Grodin M and Annas G: Health and Human Rights: A Reader. Routledge, NY,1999. Named 2nd as top 10 humanitarian books of 1999 by Humanitarian Times.
  29. Grodin M: Mad, Bad or Evil: Physician Involvement in Human Rights Abuses from Nazi Germany to the Former Yugoslavia. (in preparation).
  30. Grodin M, Annas G: The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Relevance for Modern Medical Research (Conference Report). Medicine and War: International Medical Concerns on War and other Social Violence. 6(2):120-124, 1990.
  31. Grodin M: The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Relevance for Modern Medical Research. International Digest of Health Legislation 41(2): 346-348. 1990. Reprinted in Medecine et Hygiene Journal d' Informations Medicoles, Geneva 1990.
  32. Annas G, Grodin M: American Soldiers Deserve Protection for Their Rights as well as their Welfare. Hastings Center Report 21(2): 24-27, 1991.
  33. Grodin M, Annas G, Glantz L: Medicine and Human Rights: A Proposal for International Action. Hastings Center Report 23(4): 8-12, 1993.
  34. Annas G, Grodin M: Medicine and Human Rights: Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Doctor's Trial. Health and Human Rights 2(1) 7-21, 1996. Reprinted and adapted as "Medical Ethics and Human Rights: Legacies of Nuremberg" in war crimes and war crime tribunals: Past, Present and Future. The Hofstra Law and Policy Symposium Vol 3:111-123, 1999.
  35. Grodin M, Annas G: Legacies of Nuremberg: Medical Ethics and Human Rights. Journal of the American Medical Association 276(20): 1682-1683, 1996.
  36. Gruskin S, Mann J, Annas G, Grodin M et al: Health and Human Rights: A Call to Action on the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. JAMA 280(5): 462-464, 1998.
  37. Glantz L, Annas G, Grodin M, Mariner W: A World of Research Subjects: Taking Benefits Seriously in Developing Countries. Hastings Center Report 28(6): 38-42, 1998. Reprinted in Bioethics, Justice and Healthcare, Teays W, Purdy L (Eds), Wadsworth Publishing, 2000.
  38. Moreno A, Grodin M: The Not So Silent Marks of Torture. Journal of the American Medical Association. 284(5): 538, 2000.
  39. Lustig S, Maldonado J. Childhood and adolescent diagnoses on initial presentation to a Nigerian outpatient psychiatry clinic. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1999, 45(3): 190-197.
  40. Lustig S. Review of L Steven O' Brien, Traumatic Events and Mental Health. Cambridge University Press, 1998. Psychiatric Services 1998, 49(2): 1632.
  41. Lustig S, Vaughan B, Mezzacappa E. "Clonidine for Intrusive Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial among pediatric, psychiatric inpatients." American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA: May 5-10.
  42. Patsalides B, Moreno A, Liebschutz J. Immigrants: Refugees and Survivors of Torture. American College of Physicians (In press).
  43. Moreno A, Rishikof D.C and Bernardo J.A: Chest wall mass in a Young Refugee Previously Treated with Isoniazid (Abstract). JGIM 2000; 15 (Suppl 1):191.
  44. Wilson J, Keane T.M. Assessing trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. New York. 1997. Guilford Press.
  45. Gerrity E, Keane T.M and Tuma F. Mental Health Consequences of Torture and Related Violence and Trauma. New York. 2001. Plenum Press.
  46. Foa E.B, Keane T.M and Friedman M.J. (2000) Effective Treatments for PTSD. New York: Guilford Press.
  47. Green B.L, DeJong J, Fairbank J.A, Friedman M.J, Keane T.M. Psychosocial interventions for traumatic experiences worldwide. United Nations.(in preparation).
  48. Prue D.M, Keane T.M.(1981). Reducing client recidivism through program modification and aftercare coordination. Journal of Psychiatric Treatment and Evaluation.3, 523-528.
  49. Keane T.M, Black J.L, Collins F.L and Vinson M.D. (1982) A skills training program for teaching the behavioral interview. Behavioral Assessment. 4, 53-62.
  50. Fairbank J.A, Gross R.T, Keane T.M.(1983). Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: Evaluating outcome with a behavioral code. Behavior modification. 7,557-568.
  51. Keane TM.(1985). Defining traumatic stress: Some comments on the current terminological confusion. Behavior Therapy. 16(4):419-423.
  52. Keane T.M and Penk W.E. (1988).Some concerns about the prevalence of PTSD in the general population. New England Journal of Medicine (Corr). 318:1690-1691.
  53. Keane T.M (1989). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Current status and future directions. Behavior Therapy, 20:149-153.
  54. Litz B.T, Keane T.M.(1989). Information processing in anxiety disorders: Application to the understanding of post traumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychology Review. 9: 243-257.
  55. Litz B.T, Blake D.D, Gerardi R.G, Keane T.M.(1990). Decision making guidelines for the use of direct therapeutic exposure in the treatment of PTSD. The Behavior Therapist: 91-93.
  56. Blake D.D, Weathers F.W, Nagy L.N, Kaloupek D.G, Klauminzer G, Charney D.S, Keane T.M.(1990). A Clinicians rating scale for assessing current and lifetime PTSD: The CAPS:1. The Behavior Therapist. 18:187-188.
  57. Blake D.D, Albano A.M, Keane T.M.(1992). Twenty years of trauma: Psychological abstracts from 1970-1989. Journal of Traumatic Stress.5: 477-484.
  58. Keane T.M, Albano A.M, Blake D.D.(1992). Current trends in the treatment of PTSD. In M. Basoglu (Ed). Torture and its Consequences. London: Cambridge University Press.
  59. Keane T.M, Kaloupek D.G, Weathers F.W.(1996). Cross cultural issues in the assessment of PTSD. In A.Marsella, M.J Friedman, E. Gerrity & R. Scurfield (Eds). Ethnocultural Aspects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Washington D.C: American Psychiatric Press.
  60. Newman E, Kaloupek D.G, Keane T.M and Folstein S (1997). Ethical decision making among trauma researchers. In G.K. Kantor (Ed). Out of the Darkness: Contemporary Perspectives on Family Violence. Newbury Park: Sage Press.
  61. Blake D.D, Weathers F.W, Nagy L.M, Kaloupek D.G, Gusman F.D, Charney D.S, Keane T.M.(1995). The Development of a Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale. Journal of Traumatic Stress.8: 75-90.
  62. Weathers F.W, Keane T.M (1999). Psychological assessment of traumatized adults. In P. Saigh & Bremner J.D (Eds) PTSD
  63. Leskin G.A, Kaloupek D.G, Keane T.M.(1998) Treatment for traumatic memories: Review and recommendations. Clinical Psychology Review.
  64. Keane T.M, Kaloupek D.G, Kolb L.C.(1998). VA Cooperative Study #334: Summary of findings on the psychophysiological assessment of PTSD. PTSD Research Quarterly, 9:1-6.
  65. Keane T.M (1998) Treatment Research. In Survivors of Torture: Improving our understanding. Washington D.C: National Institute of Mental Health.
  66. Shalev A, Foa E.B, Friedman M.J, Keane T.M.(2000) Integration and summary of the best practice guideline for PTSD. In E.B Foa, T.M Keane & M.J Friedman (Eds). Effective Treatments for PTSD. New York: Guilford Press.
  67. Keane T.M et al. (in press) A call to Action: Summarizing the issues in responding to social and humanitarian crises. Psychosocial Interventions for Traumatic Experiences Worldwide.
  68. Deykin E.Y, Keane T.M, Kaloupek D.G, Fincke G et al. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the use of Health Services. Psychosomatic Medicine. 63:835-841.
  69. Foa E.B, Keane T.M, Friedman M.J (2000). Guidelines for the effective treatment of PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 13: 539-555.
  70. Ruscio A.M and Keane T.M (in press). The latent structure of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A taxonometric investigation of reactions to extreme stress. Journal of Abnormal Psychology