Working Together for Human Rights

Global Lawyers and Physicians is a non-profit non-governmental organization that focuses on health and human rights issues.  The organization has working relationships with the following institutions:

Boston University School of Public Health - Department of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights

Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights

Boston Medical Center

Fran�ois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health & Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights

Amnesty International - Working To Protect Human Rights Worldwide

American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM) is the official organization for health care and legal professionals who focus on issues where law and medicine converge. Founded in 1960, the central mission of the ACLM is education in legal medicine. Through its medicolegal resources, the ACLM educates and assists health care and legal professionals, advances the administration of justice, influences health policy, promotes research and scholarship, and facilitates peer group interaction.


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