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Archival Images, Audio, and Video
Audio and Video Clips

Brigadier General Telford Taylor, Chief Counsel for the Prosecution, addresses the court during the Medical Trial. Click on the thumbnail to see the enlarged image and hear audio clips.


Nazi physicians who are defendants in the Medical Trial are seated in the prisoners' dock during a session of the trial. Click on the image to see a video clip (2.7MB). The audio portion of the clip is General Telford Taylor addressing the court.


Karl Brandt, seated far left, was among the Nazi physicans charged in the Medical Trial. Click on the thumbnail to view a video clip (8.75MB) of his sentencing.

[Click on thumbnail to see enlargement]
Palace of Justice

Aerial view of the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg where high-ranking Nazi officials are being tried for war crimes by an International Military Tribunal.

Cell block View of the main cell block in the Nuremberg prison.

Dr. Klaus Karl Schilling, a physician at the Dachau concentration camp, defends himself in the docket at the Dachau trial.


During the Medical Trial Polish survivor Jadwiga Dzido shows her scarred leg to the court.


Page from Julius Streicher's anti-Semitic newspaper, "Der Stuermer".

For a further description of these images and to view more, visit the website of the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

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