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International Biomedical Research Trials

As an outgrowth of our work with Public Citizen on ethical issues involving HIV trials in Africa and Asia, GLP is urging the international research community to take the issue of benefits in research conducted in impoverished countries much more seriously than it has been taken to date. Issues include human rights in experimental clinical trials, exploitation of vulnerable populations, and the availability of drugs before and after clinical trials are complete. This project originally resulted in two articles during 1998, and advocacy work continues.

* See Annas & Grodin, "Human Rights and Maternal-Fetal HIV Trials in Africa," American J Public Health 1998; 88: 560-563; and Glantz, Annas, Grodin & Mariner, "Research in Developing Countries: Taking 'Benefit' Seriously," Hastings Center Report, Dec. 1998, 38-42.