Working Together for Human Rights
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The State of Health in the World

"In an era characterised by massive economic growth and spectacular advances in science and technology the state of health in many parts of the world is deteriorating. Sadly in an era characterised by massive economic growth and spectacular advances in science and technology there are many countries, in Africa and elsewhere, in which infectious diseases and deplorable poverty are rampant. Seeking to understand why this is the case and what should be done are some of the most pressing moral and human rights challenges facing the world today. We should begin by acknowledging that these features reflect profound dysfunction of the world as a complex system. Only then can effective remedies be formulated and implemented." 

-Solomon Benatar, M.D, University of Cape Town, South Africa                                                               Board of Advisors, Global Lawyers & Physicians                                                                           January 2006

The world places significant value on the human rights and health movement as evidenced by a growing body of literature and the many emerging conferences devoted to this topic. However, human rights and health violations continue despite rapid medical and scientific advances, even in wealthy, industrialized countries. Economic polarization has intensified, resulting in widening disparities in health status and longevity. While a small percentage of the population enjoys a high quality of life and benefits from continuing scientific progress, billions of people lack access to even basic health care. It is essential to take equity seriously and move immediately to improve the lives of the 2 billion people who live in wretched conditions, and another 2 billion people with inadequate health care, education, and nutrition.

The bold promise of universal human rights is more often aspirational and inspirational than operational. Universal success of the movement requires a commitment on the part of each nation to move beyond self-interest and sovereignty as well as an effort to reach beyond elite, academic circles to involve all people in the solution. Barriers to reaching this goal must be addressed, including the failure of powerful nations to acknowledge and document human rights violations within their borders, insincerity in the application of recognized standards in their relationships with foreign powers, and complacency with the notion of human rights as a purely Western endeavor. Critical to this mission is the understanding that rights are ineffective if the correlative duties are not carried out. The events of September 11th exponentially increased the United States' motivation to fight terrorism and deter future attacks. Although poverty does not directly cause terrorism, improving the living conditions of those worst off in the world is likely to prevent the growth of terrorist organizations. We should recognize the global advantages as well as the moral imperative of preventing starvation and alleviating preventable suffering. Debt relief and modest increments in economic assistance could establish effective international public health programs and provide access to clean drinking water, adequate nutrition, basic education, health care, and essential drugs. The establishment of a Global AIDS, Malaria and TB Fund is one step towards this goal. Full support from the United States , financially and conceptually, would demonstrate what can be accomplished with the wealth of powerful nations and a statement of our commitment to helping other nations.

It is imperative that wealthy nations both recognize an obligation to commit resources to less fortunate nations, and recognize the impact of setting a moral example. 

As responsible lawyers and physicians working for health and human rights, we commit ourselves to sustaining the concepts of human rights and building on the impressive successes achieved thus far. For those needing help with related academic work, using services like "write my essay online" can be advantageous. Through continuing intellectual and practical approaches, we are resolved to broaden and intensify global concern for human health and concrete actions to improve the health and living conditions of all people.

                                                 NEWS AND EVENTS

2005 Global Lawyers and Physicians Annual Report. Read about what we have accomplished and our plans for the here

GOVERNING BIOTECHNOLOGY by Professor George Annas in the current issue of Global Agenda ......"Developments in biotechnology have made possible species-changing and even species-endangering procedures, says George Annas. We urgently need a global governance structure to regulate them". Click here to read full article.

Spring 2006 - IT'S BACK!   Stressed out? Start your work week off with Calm Serenity!   Dr. Michael Grodin's Tai Chi, Meditation & Relaxation Practice beginning Monday, February 6th, 2006...for more details, click here
Wednesday, February 8th, 2006 - PUBLIC HEALTH FORUM with Professor Wendy Parmet of N.U. Law School discussing "Terri Schiavo and Hurricane Katrina: The Role of Law in Protecting Individual and Statistical Lives"...more details
International Women's Day on Wednesday, 8th of March, from 3 - 5:00 pm...Sharing stories, food, music and dance at the Boston Medical Center, Menino Pavilion, Conference Room, sponsored by the Boston Center for Refugee Health & Human Rights

REGISTER TODAY!!! Second Annual Health Law Program Conference "Terri Schiavo - One Year Later"  March 31, 2006 at GSU Conference Auditorium, BU Main here for conference information

REGISTER TODAY! Intensive Course in Health and Human Rights  June 26 - 30, 2006
Harvard School of Public Health. 
Learn How to Incorporate a Human Rights Framework into Your Professional Activities. Click here for course information!
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