News December 4th,2005
Perils of the Dark Side
TIME - USA/Europe edition
... find European publics and politicians full of fresh anger about how the US is
conducting the war on terror: not just old complaints about Guant�namo...
November 21, 2005
Amnesty International/Reprieve conference: Guant�namo --
Amnesty International - USA
In the past three days, the conference has highlighted Guant�namo, where many conference delegates have spent time
November 19th, 2005
UN officials reject Guantanamo visit
Boston Globe - United States
WASHINGTON -- The Red Cross is free to visit detainees at Guantanamo Bay but the United States will
not permit visits by UN human rights specialists
November 14th, 2005
Doing Unto Others as They Did Unto Us
New York Times, op-ed
The Pentagon's interrogation tactics after 9/11, which were based on Red Army methods,
have proven both inhumane and ineffective.
November 13th, 2005
Guantanamo teen's case raises questions
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
... Now a 19-year-old prisoner at the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
Khadr was charged last Monday with murdering a US soldier and faces trial by a
Guant�namo Tour Focuses on Medical Ethics
New York Times - United States
12 - Troubled by news accounts of medical participation in coercive interrogations at
Guant�namo Bay and the resulting unease in the professional medical
November 11th, 2005
Senate Approves Limiting Rights of U.S. Detainees
New York Times
The Senate voted to strip captured "enemy combatants" at Guant�namo Bay of the ability to
challenge their detentions in U.S. courts.
November 8th, 2005
Five More Guantanamo Detainees Charged
Guardian Unlimited - UK
WASHINGTON (AP) - Five suspected al-Qaida terrorists, including one teen
accused of killing a US Special Forces medic charged
October 31st, 2005
Guantanamo Suicide Tries Seen as Sign of Desperation
Washington Post - United States
The US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, had taken quite a toll on Dossari
over the past four years
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/31/AR2005103101987.html October 15th, 2005
Guantanamo medics accused of abusive force-feeding
Boston Globe - United States
WASHINGTON -- US military medics have attempted to dissuade
Guantanamo Bay detainees from continuing a hunger strike by forcing finger-thick feeding tubes ...
September 30th, 2005
Guantanamo Bay Hunger Strikes
Human Rights First - New York,NY,USA
Human Rights First is deeply troubled by the repeated hunger strikes by detainees
at the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay
September 23rd, 2005
USA: Guant�namo hunger strikers critically ill
Amnesty International - USA
Several detainees on hunger strike at Guant�namo Bay are critically ill, according to
lawyers who have recently visited the detention camp.
September 8th, 2005
Attorneys for Guantanamo Detainees to Argue Before US Court
Common Dreams (press release) - Portland,ME,USA
... September 8, 2005. At issue are the questions of whether
the prisoners detained in Guant�namo hold any rights to due process.
September 7th, 2005
The Guantanamo Trials
Washington Post - United States
The Pentagon announced changes last week to the military tribunals that it has been trying
to set up at the Guantanamo Bay naval base
September 1st, 2005
Canadian teen in Guantanamo on hunger strike, lawyers say
Globe and Mail - Canada
Canadian teenager Omar Khadr went on a hunger strike in July at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where he has grown
up to become the spiritual leader of his cellblock ...
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20050901/KHADR01/TPInternational/TopStories August 28th, 2005
Hunger strike back on at Guant�namo
International Herald Tribune - France
WASHINGTON New tensions between Guant�namo Bay detainees and the US military have
prompted 89 prisoners to resume a hunger strike that so far has left seven ...
August 8th, 2005
Guantanamo detainee takes case to Supreme Court
ABC Online - Australia
The Supreme Court in the United States is set to decide the fate of the military commissions
established to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay
August 6th, 2005
Guant�namo prisoners to be held in home countries
Guardian Unlimited - UK
The United States is negotiating the transfer of nearly 70% of the prisoners held
at Guant�namo Bay back to their home countries in an attempt to dramatically ...
July 31st, 2005
Two Prosecutors Faulted Trials for Detainees
July 29th, 2005
Letter to President Bush Regarding Access to Guantanamo
Human Rights Watch - USA
You encouraged the international media to visit the US military detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay
July 15th, 2005
Ruling Lets US Restart Trials at Guant�namo
New York Times - New York,NY,USA
A federal appeals court ruled unanimously on Friday that the military could resume war crimes trials
of terrorism suspects at Guant�namo Bay, Cuba ...
July 14th, 2005
Senators say legislation needed for Guantanamo
Reuters - USA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The US Congress should pass legislation defining the legal status
of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay to avoid more damage...
June 3rd, 2005
US details Guantanamo 'mishandling' of Koran
Reuters - USA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The US military for the first time on Friday detailed how
jailers at Guantanamo mishandled the Koran, including a case in which a ...
May 27th, 2005
Just Shut it Down!
New York Times Op-Ed by Thomas Friedman
May 20th, 2005
Guant�namo Comes to Define US to Muslims
New York Times - New York,NY,USA
NEW DELHI, May 20 - In one of Pakistan's most exclusive private schools for boys, the annual
play this year was "Guant�namo," a docudrama based on testimonies ...
May 1st, 2005
Abu Ghraib-One Year Later Comprehensive Report Documents Use of ...
Physicians for Human Rights - Boston,MS,USA
... provides extensive evidence that psychological torture was
systematic and central to the interrogation process of detainees in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Guant�namo ...
Inquiry Finds Abuses at Guant�namo Bay
New York Times - New York,NY,USA
WASHINGTON, April 30 - A high-level military investigation into accusations of detainee abuse at
Guant�namo Bay, Cuba, has concluded that several prisoners ...
April 19th, 2005
Guant�namo: Give UN Monitors Access to Detainees
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
... 2005)-The United States should allow UN human rights monitors, including the
special rapporteur on torture, to visit detainees held at Guant�namo Bay, Human ...
18 More Detainees Leave Guantanamo
Washington Post - USA
Eighteen detainees at the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were released yesterday, the Defense Department announced, marking the largest number of ...
March 27th, 2005
Changes Proposed for Guantanamo Tribunals
Washington Post - USA
... is considering major changes to the military tribunals that the Bush administration
established to prosecute foreign terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay in ...
February 27th, 2005
Probe leaves out ex-commander at Guantanamo
Boston Globe - USA
WASHINGTON -- The high-profile investigation into FBI agents' allegations
of detainee abuses at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is not
February 21st, 2005
CSIS says Khadr Guantanamo grilling necessary
CTV - Canada
... Canada's spy agency argues it needs to be able to interrogate a Canadian teenager
held as an enemy combatant by American authorities at Guantanamo Bay as part ...
February 15th, 2005
Detainees Living in Varied Conditions at Guantanamo
Defenselink.mil - USA
By Kathleen T. Rhem. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba, Feb. 16, 2005 ... languages.
The entrance to Camp 1 in Guantanamo Bay's Camp Delta.
Febuary 9th, 2005
Lawyers level Guantanamo torture charges
Seattle Post Intelligencer - Seattle,WA,USA
TORONTO -- Attorneys representing an 18-year-old Canadian detainee at Guantanamo Bay allege torture
February 8th, 2005
Omar Khadr to allege abuse at Guantanamo Bay
CTV - Canada
... will add his own allegations of abuse to the growing concern over the mistreatment
of terrorism suspects held at the US prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ...
January 11th, 2005
US to Free British, Australian Guantanamo Inmates
Reuters - USA
... will release the last four Britons and an Australian held as terrorism suspects for about
three years without charges at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay in ..
Guantanamo: Three Years of Lawlessness
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
Three years after it was created, the US prison camp at
Guantanamo remains an enclave outside the law, Human Rights Watch ...
December 30th, 2004
LEGAL BREACH The Government's Attorneys and Abu Ghraib
Spiegel Online - national,Germany
... When Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved the initial list of interrogation methods for
Guantanamo Bay in late 2002 - methods that clearly violated the ...
December 21st, 2004
Legal challenges mount to Guantanamo tactics
Christian Science Monitor - Boston,MA,USA
December 17th, 2004
Briton Details US Abuse at Guantanamo
ABC News - USA
Briton Jamal al-Harith, a former inmate at Guantanamo Bay, gestures after his testimony to Europe's
top human rights body in Paris Friday, Dec. 17, 2004. ...
December 10th, 2004
PENTAGON plans for long-term detention at Guant�namo
Seattle Times - Seattle,WA,USA
... power to detain and try suspects in the war on terror, the Pentagon
is quietly planning for permanency at the US detention center at Guant�namo
Bay, Cuba. ...
December 8th, 2004
MEMO Cites Captive Abuse Cover-Up
CBS News - USA
... FBI tells his superior that two generals cited Rumsfeld as giving them
their "marching orders" on how to conduct harsh interrogations at Guantanamo
Bay. ...
November 30th, 2004
Red Cross: Guantanamo Tactics 'Tantamount to Torture'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has accused the U.S. military
of using tactics "tantamount to torture" on prisoners at the U.S. Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.
Visit this link for the full story:
Report of Tipton Three
November 3rd, 2004
GUANT�NAMO: Military commissions -- Amnesty International ...
Amnesty International USA - USA
Amnesty International has an observer at the pre-trial hearings by military
commissions being conducted at the US Naval Base in Guant�namo Bay, Cuba.
October 14th, 2004
FIRST Hearing on Guantanamo Detainees Since Supreme Court Ruling ...
U.S. Newswire (press release) - Washington,DC,USA
What: Judge Joyce Hens Green will conduct the first open court proceedings
for the prisoners interned at Guantanamo Bay since the United States Supreme
Court ...
LAWYERS for detainees seek justification
Seattle Post Intelligencer - Seattle,WA,USA
WASHINGTON -- Hundreds of terror suspects continue to be unjustly held
at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, because of the Justice Department's repeated
refusal to justify ...
October 4th, 2004
A letter from Guantanamo: In full
Collective Bellaciao - Paris,France
Lawyers for the British Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg say they have
received the first uncensored letter from him in two-and-a-half years.
October 1st, 2004
ANNUAL Reviews of Detainee Cases to Begin at Guantanamo
Defenselink.mil - USA
... 1, 2004 -- Officials are gearing up to begin the first hearings to
determine if enemy-combatant detainees held at Naval Base Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, are still a ...
September 24,2004
YASER Hamdi's rights
Boston Globe - Boston,MA,USA
... The release of Hamdi raises the question of how many other detainees
at Guantanamo or elsewhere are being held on charges that are too flimsy
to stand the ...
September 20th, 2004
CHARGES for Detainees Ordered
Washington Post - Washington,DC,USA
A federal judge yesterday ordered the government to justify why it has
been holding detainees in a US military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
for nearly three ...
September 10th, 2004
NO Accountability on Abu Ghraib
New York Times - New York,NY,USA
... Mr. Rumsfeld authorized the use of brutal interrogation techniques
at the prison in Guant�namo Bay, some of which he later rescinded. ...
September 1st, 2004
Lawyers for detainees seek mental exams- but no exams have yet been allowed.
Physicians should speak out. Daryl Matthews, MD
HOW complicit are doctors in abuses of detainees?
Iraq Occupation Watch - San Francisco,CA,USA
... As more details about the treatment of detainees in the Abu Ghraib
prison in Iraq and the US Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba come
to light, disquiet ...
August 20th, 2004
GUANT�NAMO detainees: Update on review and trial processes
Amnesty International USA - USA
Hundreds of detainees have been held in US custody, most of them without
charge or trial, in locations such as Guant�namo Bay, many for more than
two years. ...
4 Guantanamo inmates expected to challenge interrogations
Boston Globe - Boston,MA,USA
WASHINGTON -- Four detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base who will
face US military commission proceedings next week are expected to claim
the government ...
August 16th, 2004
MAKING Sense of the Guantanamo Bay Tribunals
Human Rights Watch - USA
... the combatant status review panels, and the administrative review procedures
adopted by the US Department of Defense (DOD) for use at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba. ...
August 12th, 2004
GUANTANAMO Tribunals Prove Challenging to American Legal System
Voice of America - Washington,DC,USA
US military authorities at the US Navy Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba say
hearings on the status of detainees there could last several more months.
SUIT involving ex-driver for bin Ladin sent to DC
Seattle Times - Seattle,WA,USA
The lawsuit had been filed on behalf of Salim Ahmed Hamdan, who was captured
in Afghanistan in November 2001 and taken to Guant�namo Bay. ...
July 30th, 2004
FIRST hearings for Guantanamo prisoners
Reuters - London,England,UK
US NAVAL BASE, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Reuters) - Two and a half years after
the first prisoners from Afghanistan arrived at a US naval base in Cuba,
the first ...
July 30th, 2004
FIRST Combatant Status Tribunal Conducted at Guantanamo Today
DefenseLINK (public service) - USA
The Department of Defense conducted the first Combatant Status Review Tribunal
today for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ...
<http://www.dod.mil/releases/2004/nr20040730-1076.html> July 29th, 2004
BOSTON Residents Speak Out About Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and the ...
Democracy Now - New York,NY,USA
Yesterday in Boston the United for Justice with Peace Coalition and ACLU
held a rally in Copley Square to protest human rights abuses brought on
by the so ...
July 14th, 2004
GUANTANAMO Prisoners Notified They Can Challenge Their Detention
Voice of America - Washington,DC,USA
The Pentagon has begun notifying the detainees it holds at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, they can challenge their status as "enemy combatants.". ...
July 6th, 2004
KHADR closer to day in court
Toronto Star - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
... teenager Omar Khadr is getting closer to his day in court to hear what
allegations he faces and to challenge his lengthy detention at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba. ...
AP observes Guantanamo detention center
Seattle Post Intelligencer - Seattle,WA,USA
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba -- A two-day tour of Guantanamo Bay afforded
The Associated Press the most extensive access ever allowed independent
journalists ...
May 20th, 2004
REVIEW Procedures Announced for Guantanamo Detainees
Defenselink.mil - USA
... administrative review procedures for enemy combatants captured in the
Afghan theater and detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba. ...
May 19th, 2004
LEGAL Review Could Have Halted Abuse, Lawyer Says
New York Times - USA
... We all thought that this has really got to be about Guant�namo and
Afghanistan," Mr. Horton added, referring to sites at which the United
States also holds ...
May 13th, 2004
RED Cross Report Criticizes Guantanamo Prison
Reuters - USA
... International Committee of the Red Cross has issued a new report criticizing
the detention of hundreds of suspects at the US Naval Base in Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba ...
May 8th, 2004
Lawyer suing Rumsfeld defends Yemeni prisoner held in Cuba
On a day when U.S. senators grilled Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld about prisoner abuse, lawyers in Seattle suing Rumsfeld
came to the defense Friday of one man being held in solitary
May 7th, 2004
MILITARY Disciplines Guantanamo Bay Jail Guards
Reuters - USA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The US military has punished two Army Reserve soldiers
who assaulted prisoners while working as guards at the Guantanamo Bay
prison for ...
AN open letter to President George W. Bush on the question of ...
Amnesty International - USA
... We call on the USA to open the doors of its detention facilities in
Iraq, Afghanistan, Guant�namo Bay, and at undisclosed locations elsewhere,
to independent ...
April 28th, 2004
UN accused of failing human rights victims
swissinfo - Switzerland
... criticism � from groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights
Watch � that the commission neglected to address abuses in Iraq and
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ...
April 25th, 2004
US to hold detainees at Guantanamo indefinitely
Boston Globe - Boston,MA,USA
WASHINGTON -- Most of the 595 suspected terrorists detained by the United
States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, will be held indefinitely, even though
there is not ...
April 19th, 2004
COMMISSION on Human Rights, 60th Session (15 March - 23 April)
Amnesty International - USA
Amnesty International welcomes consideration by the UN Commission on
Human Rights of the situation of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This
is long overdue. ...
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CUBA asks for probe of Guantanamo
Washington Times - Washington,DC,USA
... UPI -- Cuba Saturday asked the European Union countries and others
to demand an investigation of how the United States treats Taliban
prisoners at Guantanamo. ...
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CASTRO Labels Guantanamo a 'Concentration Camp'
Voice of America - Washington,DC,USA
Cuban President Fidel Castro has compared the detention facility at
the US Guantanamo Bay naval base to a "concentration camp" where
prisoners have no rights. ...
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April 8, 2004
EXPERTS weigh in on medical, legal rights of detainees at SPH
B.U. Bridge - Boston,MA,USA
The detention by the United States of more than 600 enemy combatants
and suspected terrorists at the Guantanamo Bay naval base in Cuba has
drawn sharp ...
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March 17, 2004
Guant�namo and Jailers: Mixed Review by Detainees
New York Times - New York, NY, USA
Twenty-three Afghan detainees from the American detention
center at Guant�namo, Cuba, were freed here on Tuesday, one of the
largest releases of prisoners so far. ...
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February 12, 2004
Guantanamo Stay Transforms Afghan Teen
Washington Post - Washington, D.C., USA
Agha's transformation occurred mostly in a place called Camp Iguana, a
seaside compound within the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
where he and two ...
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February 02, 2004
Guantanamo teenagers return to Afghanistan
Reuters - London, England, UK
Three Afghan teenagers, released by the United States from its
military camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been reunited with their
families, officials say. ...
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Related Stories
February 22, 2004
Guantanamo Bay Continues as a Blot of Shame on the US
LA Times - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has sounded almost flabbergasted in
recent days that anyone could be critical of the military's detention
of hundreds of people without trial at Guantanamo Bay. ...
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John McCarthy slams
BBC News - London, England, UK
The former Beirut hostage John McCarthy has denounced America's
treatment of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay as "inhumane and
uncivilised". ...
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February 05, 2004
The Guantanamo Numbers :
China's Duplicity Unmasked ?
Media Monitors Network - USA
"The long awaited release of the breakdown of the Guantanamo
detainees's nationalities threatens to expose China's use of the "War
on Terror ...
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January, 2004
Guantanamo Bay on Trial
Vanity Fair - USA
At Guant�namo Bay, or �Gitmo,� the U.S. naval base in Cuba, some 660
alleged al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists have been indefinitely
detained without hearings. ...
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October 22, 2003
US Erecting a Solid Prison at Guantanamo for Long Term
NY Times - New York, NY, USA
The detention facility here for prisoners captured mostly in the
Afghanistan war is increasingly taking on a permanent air as the
authorities are building a hard-walled traditional prison alongside
the corrugated metal units that have housed detainees for nearly two
years ...
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23, 2002
Former Beirut Hostage Speaks Out on the Guantanamo Prisoners:
Justice or Revenge?
Counterpunch - USA
I can recognise the conditions that prisoners are being kept in at the
US camp at Guantanamo Bay because I have been there. ...
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