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Intensive Course in Health and Human Rights  June 20-23, 2005

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Learn How to Incorporate a Human Rights Framework into Your Professional Activities



Presented in Collaboration with:

The Fran�ois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
The Boston University School of Public Health - Health, Bioethics & Human Rights Department

Course Objectives

This rigorous 4-day program helps a wide range of professionals acquire the skills and background knowledge they need to successfully incorporate a human rights framework into their daily activities. Participants will acquire a basic understanding of both the history and present status of international human rights and international humanitarian law as they apply to public health practice. The faculty will show participants how to:

  • analyze the human rights dimensions of public health policies and programs

  • access international mechanisms and procedures to further human rights of persons whose health status is threatened

About the Program

Expert faculty members create a dynamic learning environment in which a large body of material can be covered in a short amount of time.
The program progresses from general to specific topics:

  • Basic Concepts of Health and Human Rights
  • Application of the Human Rights Framework to Public Health Policies and Programs
  • Skills for Putting the Health-Human Rights Linkage into Practice
  • Institutional Settings for Linking Health and Human Rights
  • The Way Ahead: Making the Health-Human Rights Linkage Work

Small group sessions address:

  • Health and Human Rights Responses to Bioterrorism
  • HIV/AIDS, Human Rights and Vulnerability
  • Reproductive Rights and Gender Issues
  • Health Aspects of Implementing Rights of the Child
  • Human Rights in Economic Development
  • A Human Rights Approach to the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Health Policies and Programs
  • Identifying and Treating Survivors of Torture and Refugee Trauma
  • Human Rights Analysis of International Genetics Research
  • How to Bring a Case to the United Nations

Humanitarian Relief: Applying The Human Rights Perspective
Small group settings provide further opportunity for direct interaction with the faculty and with your fellow participants. Repeated offerings allow you to attend more than one session of interest. The individualized attention you receive in Intensive Course in Health and Human Rights will help you formulate your strategy for implementing newly acquired knowledge and skills in your professional work as well as provide invaluable networking support.

Course Directors

Stephen P. Marks
Fran�ois-Xavier Bagnoud Professor, Health and Human Rights,
Harvard School of Public Health
Director, Fran�ois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights

Sofia Gruskin
Associate Professor, Health and Human Rights,
Harvard School of Public Health
Director, International Health and Human Rights Program
Fran�ois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights

George Annas
Utley Professor and Chair, Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights Department
Boston University School of Public Health
Co-Founder, Global Lawyers and Physicians


Michael Grodin
Professor, Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights Department
Boston University School of Public Health
Co-Founder, Global Lawyers and Physicians


Course Fee
$995 if payment is received on or before May 2nd
$1195 if payment is received after May 2nd
To Register,
Click Here

Continuing Education Credit
The Harvard School of Public Health is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Center for Continuing Professional Education designates this educational activity for a maximum of 21 hours in category 1 credit towards the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award.

*Scholarships available! To apply, please indicate so on the registration form below.

Scholarships for tuition may be available for those individuals who would not be able to attend without financial assistance. Please complete the program registration form and attach a brief letter explaining your need for assistance. We are unable to provide assistance for travel or lodging. The deadline for scholarship submission is April 15, 2005. We will notify you as soon as possible of the Scholarship Committee’s decision on your application which should be around May 2nd, 2005.

Course fee includes:
comprehensive take-home reference manual
• comprehensive take home reader
• course materials
• lunches and refreshment breaks
• Harvard certificate of attendance

Who Should Attend
policy makers
• service providers
• legal and health practitioners
• administrators
• government agency officials
• staff and officers of international institutions and NGOs
• public officials
• activists and researchers
• clinical practitioners
• community health leaders

Learn More about the June 2005 Program

2005 Program Brochure


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